Teacher: Kim Lou Johansen

Each Participant will get access to the Brewery And will get a Group of Issues to solve with the use of the Brewery

In the Brewery, students can move between the different departments and watch animations and videos of the relevant equipment and technologies That is used in industrial Breweries. We will give examples of other places one could use similar solutions.

The Make a Difference 2023 conference


Link to slides

What was your motivation?

Master specialisation: Brewing Science and Technology

  • Some students do not have practical experience from the industry, they need this info at the start of the course
  • Suppliers of brewing equipment have made animations and videos available on YouTube, i found it relevant for me to choose the right videoes indstead of banning the.
  • Visits to breweries and even years of experience from practical brewing can be supplemented by these animations – showing more than you can see from outside

What was the outcome for you - and the students?

It gave the students flexibility in 2022 and 3 years later it have evolved and the students are very happy with the outcome.

one student expressed:

“Virtual brewery was really good, it is nice to see how different functions work, and it gives a good overview of operations”

and another expressed:

” The virtual brewery helped alot in understanding the equipment”