Teacher: Sian Bayne

This keynote from 2023 considers the futures of digital education – and of universities themselves – in the context of rapid technological, social and climate change. What challenges will we face over the coming years? What versions of the future do we want to make possible? Using research from the Centre for Research in Digital Education at Edinburgh University, the talk will combine research, world-building, and the scholarship of utopia in a call for universities to keep open the space for imagining desirable futures.

Keynote form the Make a Difference Conference 2023 by Professor Siân Bayne, Director for the Centre for Research in Education at the University of Edinburgh.

Access the HIGHER EDUCATION FUTURES materials here https://www.de.ed.ac.uk/news/higher-education-futures-8-scenarios-8-tarot-cards-and-8-short-stories
References from the keynote.

Portrait of Sian BayneSiân Bayne is Professor of Digital Education and Co-Director of Education at the Edinburgh Futures Institute. She directs the Centre for Research in Digital Education. Her research is critical and interdisciplinary, currently focused on higher education utopia and theories of ‘enhancement’. She is one of the authors of The Manifesto for Teaching Online, gives regular keynotes on the future of digital education, publishes widely and has conducted research funded by UKRI, Erasmus+, AdvanceHE and NESTA. More information about her work is on her web site.