Teacher: Hanne Ingmer & Kirsten Schauser

Abstract: The purpose of the project is to make an interactive tool that prepares veterinary students for visits to pig slaughterhouses which are part of the meat inspection course that is compulsory for being authorized as a veterinarian. The course is built on lectures and theoretical exercises related to legislation and risk assessment principles and includes visits to slaughterhouses. As part of these visits the students must 1) learn the steps of practical meat inspection and 2) make a small audit of the slaughterhouse processing environments to assess whether the operating standards fulfill legislative requirements. With limited time available for the slaughterhouse visits, the e-learning tool will help the students prepare for the inspection by providing a tour in the slaughterhouse and allowing them to zoom in on certain equipment and processes. This gives the students the possibilities of being locally orientated when arriving, to familiarize them with the processes and the facilities and based on that choose the processes or the areas to be audited. In addition, the e-learning tool can help the students mentally and psychologically prepare for the visit, which can be overwhelming and challenging.